Friday, January 30, 2009

Altered book ready to go

Here's a photo of the book and also a photo of the re-drawn "26 Ashplants" drawing.
I saw a couple of drawings by Ray Pettibon, and I think mine is sort of in that vein.
Hope to make a series of these. Hopefully moving forward on it tomorrow.
Also just looked at the work of "Swoon" a young Brooklyn street artist. Her stuff is really good. So onward. Also--Gwen is pretty cool. Hope this transition works out.
And just for fun my "studio" space. Really just the kitchen. But ya works with what ya gots.

Jan 30 -Woke up on time but just got up now-6:30 Franny is purring her head off. I'm going to finish the pages of my altered book and see what else the cat can drag in. Have an appointment with "Gwen" my father's new aid, hopefully, at Starbucks in New Canaan at 9:30 so I need to get it together and get going. Franny is scratching at my side right now What up with that?
New photo to keep me inspired or horrified not sure which.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Today I had a hard time waking up, even though I was lights off at eleven. Earliest yet. I want to get going but decided to start here. What am I thinking of doing this morning? Not sure. Might try the wet paint theory, or better yet, I decided to use EKG paper to hold together the pages of my altered book. So I can get going on that. I also have More glue, so I could try to make the covers of the bloom book. SO there's stuff to do. I wanted to post a photo of how I look just for laughs. More later....
Got a great email through the Ulysses Yahoo group this morning,pertaining to the Plumtree theme = the Tree of the World, and the ladies spitting plum seeds are really spitting aeroliths or meteorites from the top of Nelson's Pillar.
I found a great illustration of Yggdrasil, the worldtree. So here it is and I hope I can keep momentum going. Today is going to be hairy!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Well, hope I used time wisely today.

I made some decisions I wouldn't have had time to consider,
got some materials---
Have to keep moving forward.
I find having wet paint to deal with forces me to "do Something"
This is good.

Today I enjoyed reading the book.
Feel more in touch with what the project is actually about.

Want to hang onto the idea that as a reader
I sort of play a little movie in my head as I read.
Some of the stuff I read, I can grab and pull
into my own visual field. As a drawn image. OR as an object.

I want to find the reason the text, as an image,
is so attractive to me?

Asking lots of questions at this point is a good idea.
I am finding new materials, as I work with the materiality of this text.
Idea of facets, mosaic, threads of interwoven themes.
Etc. Still loving the book.
Everyday I find a line or two that just blows my socks off.
Woke at 5, hoping snow would cause school closing. Drat! Only an hour delay, so I must get going. HOLD ON: They closed for the day so Hooray! Precious time is mine today.

Want to fix hand in first drawing. Took iphoto of my own hand, I drew first hand backwards. Off to mend. Later this morning: Husband navigates home through blizzard. Cat pees on front of sofa. Big freakout, but all cleaned-up and better now.
Hand re-drawn. I think this direction for drawing is solid and will work. Looking for an image of a schooner now. But first want to search text. I think schooner is in there.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Worked on several drawings this morning. Had a breakthrough with the inking of my word searches. I'm posting two photos one of an older drawing that just wasn't working, based on the "Parable of the Plums" story. I think the scaling was all wrong on it so I sanded it down this morning and it looks a lot better.
Then I did the "break through" ink drawing. I hope to get to bed early tonight. So I can have two hours tomorrow morning to move further.

Want to keep moving.Momentum is helping.